Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Yesterday, I picked up a book entitled "An Enemy Called Average." This book teaches and helps us to defeat the enemy called Average in our lives so that we will move on to a more dynamic, prosperous, and healthy life.

As I was flipping through the pages, I stopped at a chapter entitled - Everything Big Starts With Something Little, hence the title of this post.

Many want the "Big Things" but absolutely disdain starting with the "Little Things." It is right to dream big but wanting the big dream without taking the small steps of "little things", is not the right attitude because in the Bible, all of God's people were found faithful in the small things. We often read of the Parable of the Talents found in Matthew 25. It speaks of three servants who were granted different amount of talents. The first and second servants sow their talents and reaped double but the third servant hid his talent and was rebuked by his master.

In verse 23, the master said unto his servants, " Well done, good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over the few (little) things, I will make thee ruler over many things..." Without a doubt, there is power in taking small steps.

It is tragic that many people these days are not moving with God simply because they are not willing to take the small steps He placed before them. Whenever you receive a call into any particular place, always step in and grab the opportunity no matter how small it is.

Never ever be afraid to take small steps because the Bible has promised us that if we are faithful in the small matters, one day we will definitely be rulers over larger things.

There is a saying that goes - Be faithful in the little things, for in them our strength lies. There's so much truth here!!
There was this teenage boy whom I met a few years back. He enjoyed playing the guitar and whenever he had the opportunity to play the guitar, he would - be it for a cell meeting or a chapel meeting. Though he wasn't as skillful as his other church members, he had the opportunity to play for Sunday Morning Services, Sunday School, and Youth services; he gladly continued to serve in the little tasks that were given him.As the months went by, bigger tasks were granted to him. He was given the opportunity to even worship lead and play the guitar during prayer meetings.Grow wherever you're planted!

Eric Hoffer said, Fear of becoming a "has- been" keeps some people from becoming anything. Most people don't succeed because they are so afraid to fail. Never let the fear of failure stop you!

Many times in our life, when we have some goals that seem unreachable we immediately stop making efforts. However if you would press on, you are more than halfway there. God wants to begin with you today no matter how tough and difficult your circumstances are because nothing is too big for God to handle.

"Winning starts with beginning!"

Have a most pleasant day and God bless!
Sincerely: dpyc

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