Friday, September 28, 2007


There was a man who had a dream. He heard God speaking to him. "Press hard against the large rock". He did not understand this until the morning. He looked out from his hut and saw a huge rock that had rolled down the hillside.

He began to push and push, but he could not move the rock. Throughout the day he had several attempts, but he could not move it. Convinced that God had spoken to him, he made a mission of this task and for weeks he spent some hours every day but he could not budge the rock.

A traveler came by and asked him what he was doing. "God told me to move this rock" he replied. The traveler laughed and said, "You must be mistaken. You will never move a rock that large". Still the man continued his attempts to move the rock without success. Another traveler came by some weeks later and asked what he was doing.

"God told me to move this rock" he replied. The traveler scorned him and said, "Your God is stupid to ask such a thing. It is impossible. Give up". That night the man turned to God in his prayer. "Lord, I have done what you asked, but the task is impossible and it seems you have made fun of me. The travelers have mocked me for believing that I could move the rock as you asked me to do".

Then God spoke gently to him "My son. Look at your strong arms and legs; look at the rippling muscles in your back; look at the tanned hardness of your skin. Look at your increased strength. Look what has happened to you. You are a different man! I asked you to press against the rock and this you have done. I never told you to move it!"

The man is just like everyone of us! Many a times, when God asks us to do something and that which we are told to do seems difficult and impossible we immediately ignore it or disobey God. We only do the things which is easy and is sensible to us. Well there are some who may take up the challenge and do it. But when nothing takes place, we begin to lose hope, and moreover with the discouragement and insult of others, we tend to fall off and give up. But, remember always, never to give up and never question God. Sometimes may seem utterly ridiculous and crazy, but we never know how God works. He uses different kinds of situations and events. Remember....

Everything God asks us to do is for our own good.

He has no intention to harm you for in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for each one of you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope!" What a comforting verse isn't it?? Knowing that all has been planned out perfectly!


God bless and stay blessed! =)

Sincerely: dpyc

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