Wednesday, January 2, 2008


School's starting TOMORROW!!
Can you believe it??
The holidays just went by so quickly.

- Time indeed waits for no man -

And can you believe it, today is already the second day of 2008!
Chinese New Year is just around the corner. If you were to turn on the T.V, Chinese New Year songs and commercials are already being played. My granddad was watching T.V this afternoon and I happened to come down from my room and the song that came through the TV was: Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni..Yeah!! Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni!

Though the thought of going to school is saddening; however, in all honesty, I would rather spend my time in school than lazing in the house, stucked to this, one- eyed box, that is continually sending out radiation. =)

God has been gracious to give me such a wonderful holiday and of course not forgetting, a great year - 2007. A year filled with so many daily challenges, ups and downs, happy days, sad times, lonely hours, difficulties that crept in, discouragement that struck, yet through all these, I have learned to depend on God's strength. Lord thank you for your abundant grace!

I have also obtained and learned many things in the year 2007. All those are precious and memorable lessons that even money cannot purchase. I had many first times last year - 2007.
Now it is 2008. As stated before: a year of many new beginnings. I know that there will be many difficult times again, but I thank God that I have a heavenly Father who will journey with me through the year.

An author once wrote: If God brings you to it, He will definitely bring you through it. Life is not and never a bed of roses. Life without its challenges will be a monotonous life.

I am prepared and ready to face every challenge that comes my way, be it easy or tough.
I hope you are ready too! If you are, let's all together, with the help of God, finish the race VICTORIOUSLY! =)

Lastly, my prayer for all of us is, as Pastor Henry has prayed: That the image of Christ will be formed in us!


God bless and have a great time in school! I sure will have! =)
Take care and stay blessed!

Sincerely: dpyc

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