Thursday, January 10, 2008


Today is a public holiday so there is no class. Since it is a p. holiday, I could sleep a little later; however, I was awakened by my dad.

It has been raining these past few days because it is the rainy season. It rains almost everyday- whether in the morning, or in the afternoon, or in the evening, or at night.

Today my dad saw something, something very spectacular. It does not always happen around my "taman". My dad saw rays of light streaming forth from behind the trees. It was so clear and beautiful. In addition to that, since it was after a heavy rain, the leaves and trees were covered with droplets of water. When the sun's rays hit the droplets of water, they sparkled, like precious diamonds everywhere. =) It was magnificent.

My dad walked up to my room and woke me up. Eyes still half closed, I went looking for my camera, loaded the charged batteries and ran downstairs. I took quite a number of shots.

Besides that, I found a green-funny-looking grasshopper, some spider-webs but no clue where the spiders were, and a cluster of golden-black ants.

Just a few hours ago, in the evening, as the sun was setting, behind the clouds, a broad ray of golden light streamed across the sky. As the sun begun to set, fainter rays shot forth from behind the thick clouds. =D I am grateful that I could see the sunset every single day. I wish I could see the sunrise. That would definitely be beautiful. But I am still grateful and glad. I told my dad, I woke up in the morning and there were rays of sunshine and when I rest there were rays of sunshine too! haha...God is awesome!

I therefore name this day - 10/1/2008 : A DAY OF RAYS!!

Here are some shots taken in the morning and in the evening. Enjoy =)

heart-shaped leaf

sun rays streaming through the trees

Purple Beauty

droplets of water on the leaf

the funny-looking grasshopper

I am the king of the green or the jungle?? LOL!!

evening rays emitted at sunset

That is all! God bless and have a pleasant day tomorrow!!

Sincerely: dpyc


- When God saw everything that he had made, he pronunced it good ! -

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