Friday, March 28, 2008

CREATOR and Creation

Ever since I started photography as my hobby, I have always been on a look out for things to take. When I look at the sky, I marvel at how the clouds form all kinds of shapes and everyday the sky is different. In the evening, the sky is the most gorgeous! I have the privilege of seeing the sun set every single day. And let me tell you, it's beautiful! There are days where the sun hung in the sky like a huge golden-fiery ball. It is even better when there is sun after the rain, there will be light rays streaming forth from behind the clouds.

When I look at all these things, I am assured that all these did not come about with a "Bang" but there is a Creator that through His Word, the world was formed and all there is within it.

Yesterday, I witnessed together with my family something very spectacular. I have never seen such a sight before. I was looking out of the window, around 7 when the sun was already behind the trees, when all of a sudden, thick and faded rays began to appear in the sky. At first they were very blur - hardly could be seen. Immediately I grabbed my camera. Unfortunately the camera could not capture the unusual sight because they were not clear. So I waited. Hoping that they would get brighter and clearer. And sure enough they did!! =)

The rays became more and more visible and clear! So visible that my camera was able to capture the red rays! In addition to that, the sky had different shades of colors.

I was glad to be able to see the beautiful scene. I bet most people did not notice!

Here's a picture of it!

God is AWESOME!!

Have a blessed Friday and wishing all of you a wonderful weekend!

Sincerely: dpyc


Yi Wen said...

be-yoo-ti-ful bangat!!!

*thumbs up for you*

p/s: don't know whts bangat?
hint: "the show" which is aired from 1.30pm-2.45pm. ring a bell? lol

eternalfusion said...

Hey Jie2!!

Thanks for the visit and also for the compliment! =))

Bangat!! of course I know what is it!! It means "VERY"!!! hehehe..

And yes I know "that" show! =)
