Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Fear is a poor chisel for carving out tomorrow! When we view our future from a position of fear or worry, we are viewing it in an inaccurate and incorrect view. instead, we should view our future from a point of faith.

An old Swedish proverb says, "Worry gives a small thing a big shadow." A simple definition of worry is: the misuse of the creative imagination that God has placed within each of us. Whenever fear arises in our minds, we should oppose fear with faith. Never succumb to the feeling of fear or weariness that the enemy plants in your mind.

Where does the word "worry" derive from?? Check this out. The word worry derives from an Anglo-Saxon term meaning "to strangle" or "to choke off". There is no question that worry and fear do choke off the creative flow from God. The less you worry, the more ideas, insight, and revelation you will have.

Worry is a route that leads from somewhere to nowhere. Never ever let it direct your life.

In Psalms 55:22 the Bible states, " Cast your burdens upon the Lord, and He shall sustain you." I absolutely love this quote when I read, " Never respond out of fear, and never fear to respond."

Lastly, don't worry and don't fear. Instead take your worry to the Lord, "casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you." ( 1 Peter 5:7)

Have a blessed week and Jesus loves!! =)

Sincerely: dpyc

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