Saturday, May 3, 2008


Yeeeeppppiiiiiii!!! I'm back

It's almost been a month since my last post which was posted on the 4th of April, and today is already the 3rd of May. May?!?! Oh my goodness, another month has arrived..and that leaves us with 7 more months, and we'll enter into a brand new year. =) Doesn't time flies??

Well, first of all, its great to be back! I wasn't able to update my blog due to the fact that I was pretty busy the last month with all the activities and studies that need to be accomplished. Nevertheless, I will continue blogging because I love to and it makes my heart very glad when someone is blessed through blogs. Therefore, I will keep using my blog (as my mum always told me) a mission field to others. =)

A little touch- up had been made in my blog. As you can see the blog title, description, and image had been changed. There is a reason behind it; however, I will share it with you some other time. =) Its been a long time since I changed the interior my blog, therefore I decided that I will do it this time. I just absolutely love the colors white and blue. haha!

Isn't the blog title just "conspicuous"?? haha...well honestly I had this title because I could not think of a suitable title that would suit the picture and description. However, after a long thought, I decided and thought this was a rather interesting title: I LOVE YOU (Wor Ai Nee) hehehe...=) Looking at the title, I find that it isn't an awkward title after all! =)

Before I end this simple post, I came across this beautiful quote a week ago. It says:

- Love is most divine when it loves according to needs, and not according to merits -

Have a fantastic weekend and don't forget to come back for the latest update!!!
God bless always,

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